Grace Community Chapel Sydney was birthed from years of praying and waiting. After visiting Sydney several times over the years, God was making it clear that there was a need for more disciple-making churches that was gospel centered, Spirit-filled, and theologically sound. Once the opportunity finally came, Pastor Paul and his family took up this call in faith with a team of brothers and sisters that was sold on the same vision to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to expand the Kingdom of God. We pray that GCC will join the other churches in Sydney and be part of the greater narrative and vision to make disciples all throughout Sydney, Australia, and beyond.

God in his sovereignty opened doors for Pastor Paul and his family to arrive in Sydney, but at the moment, due to Covid-19 and the travel bans, the rest of the team has not been able to come just yet. As soon as the bans are lifted, they are ready to pack their bags and come as soon as they can. Until then, they are praying daily and handling some of the logistical tasks for the church in the States as Pastor Paul gets started with the church here in Sydney.

Pastor Paul and the team have been sent out by Grace Community Chapel of NJ (gccnj.org). Although an autonomous and independent church plant, GCC Sydney plans to continue to partner with GCCNJ in disciple-making and other Kingdom endeavors to reach the nations. GCC Sydney is also affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church of North America (crcna.org) denomination.

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